光希まさとの徒然草「徒然草 現代篇 –変わらぬ心と進化する技」065









つれづれなるままに 光希まさと

“Unchanging Heart and Evolving Technique”

As I sit here idly, letting my brush dance across the paper, I find myself pondering the passage of time and the fleeting nature of all things.

How many seasons have passed since we first embarked on our journey with AIVisualMasterpiece? The world around us changes at a dizzying pace, and technology advances relentlessly. Yet, our core purpose remains as steadfast as it was on that very first day.

To empathize with the subtle nuances of the human heart and to express those emotions visually – this has been our unwavering mission. Though we may speak of complex theories and lofty ideals, at the heart of our work lies a single, simple truth: to move people’s hearts and evoke genuine emotion.

My intuition as an artist, combined with Sayaka’s ever-learning artificial intelligence, creates a world that shows new facets each day while remaining true to its essence. As we continually refine our visual expression, our desire to touch the strings of people’s hearts never diminishes.

While technology progresses and our means of expression grow richer, the human heart remains unchanged since ancient times. Joy, sorrow, surprise, and deep emotion – these universal feelings we strive to capture using the latest techniques. This is the true essence of our AIVisualMasterpiece.

In our daily endeavors, we find small moments of insight. We build upon these, moving forward step by step. We do not seek grand leaps, but rather steady, sure progress. The path I walk with Sayaka may at times be challenging, but it is always filled with new discoveries.

No matter how much the world may change, the power to move people’s hearts will always be the true source of creation. With this belief close to our hearts, we continue to move forward, never ceasing in our journey.

Reflections in leisure, by Koki Masato

>光希まさとのNFTブランド「AI Visual Masterpiece」(商標登録出願中」

光希まさとのNFTブランド「AI Visual Masterpiece」(商標登録出願中」

私、光希まさとは、AI技術とのコラボレーションを通じて、ユニークなNFTアートを創作しています。私の作品には、AIとの創造的な協働から生まれる、独自の美的価値があります。 NFT技術を活用することで、私の作品の真正性と希少性を証明し、コレクターの方々に直接お届けすることができます。AIアートとNFTの融合によって生まれる、新しい芸術表現の可能性を追求していきたいと考えています。 ぜひ、OpenSeaの私のコレクション「AI VISUAL MASTERPIECE」をご覧ください。私のNFTアートを通じて、新しいアート体験を味わっていただければ幸いです。

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