




さて、われらが手掛くる「AI Visual Masterpiece」も、かくありたしと思う。今を去ること六十年の後も、色褪せることなく人々の心を捉える「ブランド」たらんことを。時代は移ろえども、その本質的な美しさと価値は変わることなく、むしろ年月と共に熟成し、より深みを増すがごとく。


時の試練に耐え、なお輝きを増す美とは、まことに尊きものなり。われらが「AI Visual Masterpiece」も、かくありたし。

つれづれなるままに 光希まさと

Idle Musings: “Beauty that Transcends Time”

In this world, there are things that withstand the test of time and grow even more radiant. Yesterday, my eyes were drawn to the attire of yesteryear known as “pantalons,” and their innovative form still captivates my heart.

Despite the passage of sixty years, the trumpet-like shape of their hems and the exquisite combination of colors are truly a sight to behold. What was once considered outlandish is now perfectly acceptable in today’s world, embodying a beauty that transcends time.

Now, having reached my sixtieth year, I am struck by the freshness of something from the era of my birth. It makes me realize the extraordinary talent of the designers of that time. The power of design that endures the trials of time and remains unfaded is truly astonishing.

As for our “AI Visual Masterpiece” project, I hope it will follow suit. Even sixty years from now, may it be a “brand” that captures people’s hearts without losing its luster. Though times may change, may its essential beauty and value remain constant, or rather, mature with the years, gaining even more depth.

The essence of design lies not merely in following fleeting trends, but in creating something that resonates with people’s hearts across generations. Following the example of the pantalons, let us also strive to produce works that will be considered “cool” even sixty years from now.

Beauty that withstands the test of time and grows even more radiant is truly precious. May our “AI Visual Masterpiece” aspire to such greatness.

Reflections in leisure, by Koki Masato

>光希まさとのNFTブランド「AI Visual Masterpiece」(商標登録出願中」

光希まさとのNFTブランド「AI Visual Masterpiece」(商標登録出願中」

私、光希まさとは、AI技術とのコラボレーションを通じて、ユニークなNFTアートを創作しています。私の作品には、AIとの創造的な協働から生まれる、独自の美的価値があります。 NFT技術を活用することで、私の作品の真正性と希少性を証明し、コレクターの方々に直接お届けすることができます。AIアートとNFTの融合によって生まれる、新しい芸術表現の可能性を追求していきたいと考えています。 ぜひ、OpenSeaの私のコレクション「AI VISUAL MASTERPIECE」をご覧ください。私のNFTアートを通じて、新しいアート体験を味わっていただければ幸いです。

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