光希まさとの徒然草「徒然草 現代篇 -聖地への道と創造の精神」076










つれづれなるままに 光希まさと

“The Path to the Sacred and the Spirit of Creation” – A Modern Tsurezuregusa

As I sit idly by my inkstone, letting my brush wander aimlessly across the page, I find myself pondering the curious ways of the world.

At Mont Saint-Michel, a peculiar sight caught my eye. Despite the availability of free shuttle buses, many chose to walk the tidal causeway, braving the rain on their journey to the abbey.

The depth of their faith moved me profoundly. On this pilgrimage, they seemed to believe that by subjecting themselves to hardship, they might better receive divine mercy. Arriving exhausted and rain-soaked, rather than comfortably by bus, they appeared to think their wishes more likely to be granted.

I couldn’t help but draw parallels to our own artistic journey. True value doesn’t come from taking the easy path. Only through repeated failures, trial and error, and persistent challenges can we create a truly unique and precious work.

Reflecting on our nation’s history, I see a similar spirit. In the Meiji era, we adopted Western technology while preserving our Yamato spirit. Our miraculous recovery from the ashes of defeat is testament to the spirit of the Japanese people, cultivated over 2,600 years.

Encountering the splendor of French art should not lead us to belittle our own culture. Rather, by understanding other nations’ histories, we can better appreciate our own proud heritage.

Just as Romanesque architecture incorporated Baroque elements to create more beautiful cathedrals, we too must constantly seek evolution. We should strive for our works to become the classics of the future, never ceasing in our daily efforts to improve.

Thus, the path to the sacred site intertwines with our creative journey. We must not shy away from hardship, but face it sincerely, continuing on the path we believe in. This, I realized, is the true road to happiness and artistic fulfillment.

In idle reverie,Koki Masato

>光希まさとのNFTブランド「AI Visual Masterpiece」(商標登録出願中」

光希まさとのNFTブランド「AI Visual Masterpiece」(商標登録出願中」

私、光希まさとは、AI技術とのコラボレーションを通じて、ユニークなNFTアートを創作しています。私の作品には、AIとの創造的な協働から生まれる、独自の美的価値があります。 NFT技術を活用することで、私の作品の真正性と希少性を証明し、コレクターの方々に直接お届けすることができます。AIアートとNFTの融合によって生まれる、新しい芸術表現の可能性を追求していきたいと考えています。 ぜひ、OpenSeaの私のコレクション「AI VISUAL MASTERPIECE」をご覧ください。私のNFTアートを通じて、新しいアート体験を味わっていただければ幸いです。

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