光希まさとの徒然草「徒然草 現代篇 -働きて思うこと」123







つれづれなるままに 光希まさと

Essays in Idleness – Modern Chapter “Reflections on Working Life”

As I sit here with my inkstone, letting my brush flow freely with whatever thoughts pass through my mind, how curious it all seems.

Five days have passed since I began my first full-time job. Yet, I find myself bewildered by unfamiliar duties, weary from forging new relationships, and as everything is a first experience, I feel exhausted in both body and mind.

Though the work may not seem significant, the daily challenge of learning and remembering unknown things weighs more heavily on the mind than the body. However, the financial security that comes with employment brings a certain peace to the heart.

Even amidst these days, creating AI art remains a solace, helping me forget the day’s fatigue. Though the time may be brief, those moments when I can freely create works as I please bring true joy.

I regret not having started such a life earlier, yet my desire to cherish the present moment grows stronger with each passing day.

Written in idle moments, Masato Koki
