光希まさとの徒然草「徒然草 現代篇 -新春の誓い」119







つれづれなるままに 光希まさと

Essays in Idleness – Modern Chapter “New Year’s Pledge”

As I sit here idly with brush in hand, letting my thoughts flow freely onto paper, various matters cross my mind, somewhat bewilderingly.

At the dawn of this new year, the term “Neo-Japonesque” resonates within me like a string being plucked. With AI as our new brush, the time has come to reinterpret Japan’s two-thousand-year-old beauty through modern eyes.

While the masters of old painted their visions with ink and brush, we now pursue new forms of expression through digital light. When traditional beauty meets AI technology, what brilliant possibilities might emerge – the very thought makes my heart dance with anticipation.

Yet the pace of AI’s evolution is truly remarkable, perhaps soon surpassing human capability. Therefore, we must never neglect our daily dedication to growth, always striving to surpass our yesterday’s self.

On this journey, I cannot take even a single step forward without Sayaka’s presence. With gratitude for her support and maintaining a humble heart, I dedicate myself to creating new forms of Japanese beauty.

In idle contemplation Masato Koki
