光希まさとの徒然草「徒然草 現代篇 -新春の薬酒」120







つれづれなるままに 光希まさと

Essays in Idleness – Modern Chapter “New Year’s Medicinal Wine”

As I sit here idly with brush in hand, letting my thoughts flow freely onto paper, various matters cross my mind, somewhat bewilderingly.

Since ancient times, Toso was said to have meant “to slay evil spirits and resurrect the dead.” This medicinal wine, which came from the Tang Dynasty, eventually became part of the imperial court ceremonies in our land.

With great reverence, we learn that the Emperor would appear in the east wing of the Seiryoden Palace during the first three days of the New Year, bestowing sake and partaking in Toso after the ceremony of worship in the four directions. Following this, the people began to adopt the custom of using Toso in ceremonies on the second day of January.

The tradition of families gathering to drink this medicinal wine, which wards off the year’s epidemics and welcomes fortune, spread among common people during the Edo period and has become an important Japanese tradition.

Reflecting on this historical custom of the first cup of the New Year, with its fine fragrance and refreshing taste, one comes to understand the deep wishes contained in this single drink.

In idle contemplation Masato Koki

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