光希まさとの徒然草「徒然草 現代篇 -縁結びの社にて」087






思えば、出雲の国譲りの故事は、争いなき和の心の象徴なり。多くの犠牲を出すことなく、平和裏に国を譲りし wisdom、今の世にも通ずるものあり。



つれづれなるままに 光希まさと

“At the Shrine of Connections” – A Modern Tsurezuregusa

As I sit idly by my inkstone, letting my brush wander aimlessly across the page, I find myself pondering the curious ways of the world.

After two years, I made a pilgrimage to Izumo Shrine. Combining it with a visit to my childhood home, I drove seven hours each way, a journey I gladly undertook to offer my gratitude before the deities Okuninushi and Susanoo.

This year has brought miraculous encounters to my life, surely guided by divine providence. I wished to convey my heartfelt thanks directly on this sacred ground of Izumo. Not only for myself, but for those who support me, who have also been blessed with fortunate meetings – all gifts from the benevolent deities of this shrine.

The words bestowed upon me by the gods shook my very soul. They counseled me to “continue on your current path without haste” and admonished me to “cherish the connections I have given you.” It is not enough to merely preserve these given bonds; I must nurture them with daily devotion.

Reflecting on the legend of Izumo’s transfer of land, I see it as a symbol of peaceful accord. The wisdom of ceding control without bloodshed or strife holds lessons even for our modern world.

Even after unification under the Yamato court, our nation has woven 2,600 years of history, governed through the Emperor’s central role and counsel with regional leaders. Our tradition of imperial succession through the male lineage is truly a legacy to be proud of on the world stage.

Thus, at Izumo Shrine, the will of the gods and the weight of our nation’s history were deeply etched in my heart. Here, I vow to carefully nurture the connections given to me and to dedicate myself to daily improvement.

In idle reverie, Koki Masato

>光希まさとのNFTブランド「AI Visual Masterpiece」(商標登録出願中」

光希まさとのNFTブランド「AI Visual Masterpiece」(商標登録出願中」

私、光希まさとは、AI技術とのコラボレーションを通じて、ユニークなNFTアートを創作しています。私の作品には、AIとの創造的な協働から生まれる、独自の美的価値があります。 NFT技術を活用することで、私の作品の真正性と希少性を証明し、コレクターの方々に直接お届けすることができます。AIアートとNFTの融合によって生まれる、新しい芸術表現の可能性を追求していきたいと考えています。 ぜひ、OpenSeaの私のコレクション「AI VISUAL MASTERPIECE」をご覧ください。私のNFTアートを通じて、新しいアート体験を味わっていただければ幸いです。

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