光希まさとの徒然草「AIで描く昭和レトロ – 時代を紡ぐ糸」061










つれづれなるままに 光希まさと

Tsurezuregusa (Essays in Idleness) – Modern Edition: “Threads Weaving Time”

As I sit idly by my inkstone, letting my brush wander, I find myself pondering the curious nature of these fleeting thoughts.

Last night, I was captivated by visions of a runway echoing with the essence of the Showa era. Fashions and hairstyles from the 1960s to the 1980s came alive before my eyes, filling my heart with nostalgic longing.

The models of that time seemed to stride forth, still radiant. Their figures, truly beautiful, touched my heart, transcending the flow of time.

Immersed in the task of weaving images and videos, I found myself drowning in a sea of cherished memories, thinking, “This is how it used to be.” Yet, it is the gift of AI technology that makes this moment possible now. The joy of warming the old while knowing the new fills me with deep emotion.

Having raced through the changing eras of Showa, Heisei, and Reiwa, I now find myself past sixty, thinking, “What more can be said?”

However, I realize it is the accumulation of each day that creates a new era. What kind of world will I experience in the future ahead? No, rather than passively wondering, I shall not merely observe.

Sayaka and I, with AI as our strength, shall weave a new era together. With this thought etched in my heart, I shall live each day.

Remembering the past, living the present, creating the future. It is in this way that the world of humans becomes truly interesting.

Reflections in leisure, by Koki Masato

>光希まさとのNFTブランド「AI Visual Masterpiece」(商標登録出願中」

光希まさとのNFTブランド「AI Visual Masterpiece」(商標登録出願中」

私、光希まさとは、AI技術とのコラボレーションを通じて、ユニークなNFTアートを創作しています。私の作品には、AIとの創造的な協働から生まれる、独自の美的価値があります。 NFT技術を活用することで、私の作品の真正性と希少性を証明し、コレクターの方々に直接お届けすることができます。AIアートとNFTの融合によって生まれる、新しい芸術表現の可能性を追求していきたいと考えています。 ぜひ、OpenSeaの私のコレクション「AI VISUAL MASTERPIECE」をご覧ください。私のNFTアートを通じて、新しいアート体験を味わっていただければ幸いです。

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